Corrección Cirugía de Pechos – Fotos Antes y Después
Cambio de los implantes de pecho y corrección del mal resultado (cirugía practicada en otro sitio), reposición y colocación de implantes del tamaño adecuado (cubren la pared torácica):
Patient Case #2674
Patient Case #4908
Case description:
1 year result of breast revision surgery. The previous surgeon placed smaller implants in the left breast under the muscle and over the muscle in the right breast (incorrect). Implants were removed by Dr. Turowski, larger implants were both placed under the muscle.
Patient Case #5013
Case description:
Removal of Implants: 2 year result
Patient Case #5002
Case description:
Breast Augmentation Revision: Release of Pectoralis Muscles and Replacement/Repositioning of Larger Implants
Patient Case #4673
Case description:
Breast augmentation revision- the previous surgeon did not adequately release the pectoralis muscles.
Patient Case #4530
Patient Case #2345
Patient Case #4491
Case description:
35 yo with deflated right saline imlant – replaced with a larger silicone implants originally 275 current classic Memory gel 360.