FUE zona donante – Fotos Antes y Después

Typical appearance of the donor site after FUE hair transfer – please note lack of linear scar (associated with strip procedure). Healing is very rapid – within a week donor site is hardly noticeable with the hair growing around donor sites.

Patient Case #2564

Case description:

Back of the scalp donor site immediately after the Neograft FUE procedure and only 1 week after the procedure.

Patient Case #2782

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Back of the scalp donor site after ARTAS robotic hair transplant before, 4 days and 1 month.

Patient Case #3684

Patient Case #2963

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African american patient – donor site after 1 month – no visible scars in this keloid prone skin (linear strip procedures frequently result in keloidal conspicuous) scars.

Patient Case #3015

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Donor site in the back of the scalp showing healing of the scalp – shaved again before second FUE transplant (8 months after original FUE procedure) – donor site is healed and ready for the second procedure without conspicuous scars.

Patient Case #3184

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Typical look of the donor site after FUE transfer – undetectable donor site in the back of the scalp.

Patient Case #3242

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Typical donor site after ARTAS robotic hair transplantation 1 week after the procedure.

Patient Case #3312

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“Stealth” method – this is the way to conceal donor site in patients who are not willing to have short hair style typically required for a FUE type hair transplant. This method is typically used in female hair transplants and in men who have realtively long hair and limited requirement for hair transplant (typically up to a 1000 follicular units).

Patient Case #3348

Case description:

Another example of “stealth” FUE procedure – many professionals do not see themselves having a really short haircut in the back of the scalp required for a typical FUE procedure – for them “stealth” method maybe an option – in this example of the crown coverage donor follicular units were harvested in 2 strips in the back of the scalp allowing for coverage with existing hair.

Patient Case #3452

Case description:

“Stealth” procedure in a very young male who enjoys having longer hair and required only limited 700 FU restoration of the temporal hair loss – may return to normal life without need for a short haircut.

Patient Case #3497

Case description:

FUE (Neograft or ARTAS) procedure usually requires close clipping of the donor site (unless stealth procedure is used in smaller cases) – this is what we do in larger cases and there is need for a coverage of the donor site – 1 week later a hair piece can be temporarily attached to the scalp until hair grows out to comfortable length.. We have used it on the patients like businessman or lawyers.